Monstermasters Wiki

Fame is your battle score. You can increase your Fame by winning battles, but it will also decrease if you lose.

The number of Fame points you win or lose depends on your current Fame and your opponent's current Fame. In short:

  1. If you win against an opponent with higher Fame than yours, you will get more Fame than if you win against an opponent with lower Fame than yours
  2. If you lose against an opponent with higher Fame than yours, you will lose less Fame than if you lose against an opponent with lower Fame than yours

The exact amounts you can win or lose are displayed in the tables below:

Fame gains or loses (vs real player)
Your Fame score Max Fame gain


Min Fame gain


Max Fame loss


Min Fame Loss


0-99 30 15 -12 -8
100-299 30 15 -12 -8
300-799 30 15 -15 -12
800-1399 30 15 -20 -15
1400-1999 35 10 -35 -10
2000-2499 40 8 -40 -8
2500+ 45 5 -45 -5

When you reach 1400 Fame you can chose to fight against real players or against bots. If you chose to fight against bots, the numbers change:

Fame gains or loses (vs BOT)
Your Fame score Max Fame gain


Min Fame gain


Max Fame loss


Min Fame Loss


1400-1599 10 10 -10 -10
1600-1799 7 7 -10 -10
1800-1999 5 5 -10 -10
2000-2499 2 2 -10 -10
2500+ 1 1 -10 -10

Higher Fame allows you to participate in higher level Leagues, which grant you better rewards.

End of Season

Fame scores for all players above 1400+ Fame are decreased slightly after a new Season begins, in order to avoid oldest players to accumulate too much Fame and keep the competition fresh.

Fame reached in the

previous Season

Fame you start

new Season at

1400-1699 1400
1700-1899 1700
1900+ 1900
